Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Install Bash on AIX 7.1

     How to install Bash on AIX 7.1. Just follow the below steps

 XYZ# ftp ftp.software.ibm.com
      Name> ftp
      Password> anything@xyz.com
          ftp> cd aix/freeSoftware/aixtoolbox/RPMS/ppc/wget
          ftp> binary
          ftp> get wget-1.9.1-1.aix5.1.ppc.rpm
          ftp> quit
      XYZ# rpm -hUv wget-1.9.1-1.aix5.1.ppc.rpm
      XYZ# wget -r -nd ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/aix/freeSoftware/aixtoolbox/ezinstall/ppc

You will now have the following files in the directory that you created:

XYZ # ls
getapp-dev.sh       getgnome.base.sh    getkde3.all.sh
Xsession.kde        getbase.sh          getkde2.all.sh      getkde3.base.sh
Xsession.kde2       getdesktop.base.sh  getkde2.base.sh     getkde3.opt.sh
getgnome.apps.sh    getkde2.opt.sh   

XYZ # chmod +x get*.sh

Run the script getbase.sh this will create a directory called base, ftp the rpm's into it.

XYZ # ./getbase.sh
XYZ # cd base
XYZ #ls
bash-4.2-1.aix6.1.ppc.rpm          info-4.6-1.aix5.1.ppc.rpm          rpm-build-3.0.5-52.aix5.3.ppc.rpm  zip-2.3-3.aix4.3.ppc.rpm
bzip2-1.0.5-3.aix5.3.ppc.rpm       patch-2.5.4-4.aix4.3.ppc.rpm       rpm-devel-3.0.5-52.aix5.3.ppc.rpm
gettext-0.10.40-8.aix5.2.ppc.rpm   popt-1.7-2.aix5.1.ppc.rpm          tar-1.22-1.aix6.1.ppc.rpm
gzip-1.2.4a-10.aix5.2.ppc.rpm      rpm-3.0.5-52.aix5.3.ppc.rpm        unzip-5.51-1.aix5.1.ppc.rpm


Install the rpms that you need:

XYZ# rpm -hUv unzip-5.51-1.aix5.1.ppc.rpm
XYZ# rpm -hUv zip-2.3-3.aix4.3.ppc.rpm
XYZ# rpm -hUv bash-4.2-1.aix6.1.ppc.rpm

There we go, we now have bash with AIX 7.1
XYZ# bash